SmartBaffle Wind Blocker

Directions for creating a wind blocker with SmartBaffle

  • Use a utility knife and cut down the 2″ flange along the same channel.
  • Simply use a utility knife to cut the two side flanges at the desired bend length and bend down SmartBaffle.
  • Bring 2″ flanges on the bended side toward the attic for easy installation.
  • Easily cuts around rafter tails if a stick built home.


SmartBaffle Wind Blocker

SmartBaffle information Packet

SmartBaffle information packet

Click the image to download the SmartBaffle information packet

The SmartBaffle Wind Blocker can be made many different ways as needed. But the most simplest is to cut the side flanges at the required distance say 7” and ensure the corrugated chute lines up on each side flange so the plastic baffle can bend straight.

See attachments and directions. One can make multiple bends if wanting to make a nailing flange in addition to the wind blocker using the same method. Remember that the flanges bend in both directions as needed.


Examples of a finished wind blocker

SmartBaffle as a wind blocker

SmartBaffle Wind Blocker
SmartBaffle Wind Blocker