SmartRidge I is a lift side and a no-lift side ridge vent product that is revolutionizing how ridge ventilation works. Using its unique patented design and installation method, SmartRidge I single sided ridge vent eliminates the most prevalent and unsightly problem with ridge vents, Street Side Lift!
U.S. Patent # 6447392

Because of the one sided design, unsightly ridge lift is eliminated from the street side of the house. This results in perfectly clean roof lines instead of the sloppy shingle lift most ridge vents leave behind. Use SmartRidge I on standard pitch roofs. Or use on a rear low slope dormer roof with a steep slope front roof.
The low slope roof applies a waterproof underlayment or rubber rolled roofing directly OVER the no-lift side of the vent and is terminated above the lift side using nails. This design application ensures a weather tight seal at the low slope ridge yet allows BOTH attic spaces to ventilate out each side of the ridge beam. This waterproofing seals the low slope ridge side even in cold climate zones with heavy snow loads.
But don’t be fooled by its appearance. SmartRidge I low profile lift (only 7/8 inch) on the ridge is barely noticeable from the ground level. What’s more, if you think a one-sided ridge vent will only provide half the ventilation capacity of two-sided ridge vents, think again! The proof is in the physics of air flow technology.
SmartRidge I provides equal venting capacity as its two sided competition. You see, two sided ridge vents have cross air flow which travels right through the vent providing less attic DRAW (50% DRAW). SmartRidge I acts like a straw sucking air from the soffits because there is no cross ventilation at the ridge vent area (100% DRAW).